We're not just targeting young adults. We are young adults.

About us
Enough Is Enough is comprised of innumerable aspects and individuals that allow the current youth to aid in combatting antisemitism.
our mission
Enough is Enough aims to combat Antisemitism through young adults by educating, uniting, and empowering proactive leadership.

Enough is Enough began with an idea and a social media page and now grew to a team of 10 young adults providing speaker series, educational workshops, social events, book clubs, and leadership discussions to over 2000+ attendees. In the future, we hope to build on our values of factual education, inclusivity, political involvement, and leadership by developing a variety of training programs aimed at elementary through college students.
Our Values
Enough Is Enough is dedicated to building future leaders that are motivated to combat
Enough Is Enough challenges young individuals to think with an open and educated mind
Enough Is Enough is committed to providing honest and factual content only
Enough Is Enough strives to create a platform that cultivates cohesiveness and respect for all

Our Affiliates